Monday, September 3, 2007


Driving in land rovers is quite the experience. It's all fun and games until someones head hit the ceiling (which happens quite regularly).

I love to drive. When I was a baby my parent's use to take me for rides in the car to get me to fall asleep. There is something so pleasurable about a long drive to no where with the windows rolled down. Even with high gas prices.

Driving in Liberia is not exactly relaxing. But it's still enjoyable.

The orphanage I went to on Saturday is outside of the city so it requires a drive on the back roads of Liberia. All the roads are made of red dirt and are filled with gaping holes and giant puddles. When you drive through the large puddles the water splashes on either side of the vehicle extending above the car roof. Sometimes we drive over very narrow bridges. Sometimes my whole body is shaken when we hit a bump. It's great. It makes me feel like I'm on a Disney ride. Except for that this is what Disney rides want to be.

Move over Swiss Family Robinson.

When you drive in a Mercy Ships Land rover, you sort of feel like your in a parade. People regularly wave and point. We wave back. Just like we were some weird float.

Driving in the city is extra exciting as the only Liberian rule of driving is there are no rules. Horns are a complete necessity. A complete necessity.

My Toyota Avalon would never make the grade it Liberia. That I know for sure.

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