Wednesday, November 21, 2007


A new favorite pastime of mine is watching the world news. It's nice to find out what's going on in the world and living in an international community has sparked my interest in the global community.

We have a satellite that gives us two to four channels. Sometimes they show CCN at night. Sometimes it's the BBC (which I prefer).

Last night it was CNN. They were airing a ten minute story about the whales that are being hunted and killed off the coasts of Japan. Apparently it's an outrage.

I have no bad feeling towards whales, but I had to turn it off. Ten minutes of airtime dedicated to whales when I sit in a country with no water, sanitation, or electricity. A country that has thousands of malnourished children and as many as 70% of the women have been raped. A country with only 120 doctors.

I'll be more outraged about the whales when malnourished children stop existing.

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