Tuesday, January 8, 2008

back in the canary islands

After three wonderful weeks at home I have safely arrived in the Canary islands and rejoined the crew of the Africa Mercy. I am rather exhausted and disoriented at the moment seeing I left Philadelphia at 9pm eastern time and arrived here at 430 pm Canary Island time. The flights went very well. At 3 am when I was flying from Philadelphia to Madrid the flight attendant paged on the overhead requesting that a doctor would go to the front of the plane. Seeing that I am a nurse I felt obligated to respond and ended up assessing and taking vitals signs for an elderly Spanish woman was was feeling faint. I even had a male looker say, "I'm sick too," as I took her vital signs (a very classy gesture).

When I arrived in Tenerife I learned that one of my bags is M.I.A. I'm hoping it will be rediscovered tomorrow. I also realized I never really confirmed what time I was coming back to the ship, so I after eating baguette with egg, I hailed a taxi and made it back to the ship.

A few moments of excitement along the way, a few glitches, but overall a successful journey.

I just hope they find my bag so I can reclaim the two hundred granola bars I brought back from home.

1 comment:

Michele said...

I'm glad to see you made it back safely. I'll just add 200 granola bars to the 30 pounds of them I am bringing back on the 17th! You have 9 days to get our home back into shape! Michele