Sunday, June 7, 2009

the other side of the lens...

After I photographed dozens of women for the unbranded beauty project, my friend/photographer, Arun Paul, offered to give me a photo shoot. It's funny, as much as I told everyone else to, "Just relax," and "Don't be nervous," I found myself a little anxious about stepping in front of a camera. However, even with a little rain, it was a ton of fun!

Arun and his wife Julia are two tremendously lovely people. I always feel encouraged to keep pursuing both life and holiness after being around them.

For example, a year and a half ago, when I was home from Liberia for Christmas, I ran into them at Barnes and Noble. After chatting for 15 minutes, they asked what I needed prayer for. They then prayed for me in the middle of the cafe. It was so real and genuine. I want to be more like that and I'm glad I have friends that will pray for me the middle of a bookstore :)

Check out Arun's photo's at and

He's really talented and I'm sure you will enjoy looking at them.

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